Beds Herts & Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED
Notice is herby given of the 2023/2024 Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 16th January 2024 starting at 7:30 PM
The Green Man, Stanford, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom SG18 9JD
Attendance count to satisfy quorum
No business other than the appointment of the Chairwoman of the meeting is to be transacted at a general meeting if the persons attending it do not constitute a quorum.
The quorum for a general meeting is the lower of:
- 15 Members participating in that meeting in person or by proxy or;
- 20% of total number of Members at the date of the meeting
Every Full, Additional Member (Adult), Additional Member (Junior aged 13-17), Life and Complimentary Member, other than the Chairman shall have one vote. P.S. Family Members have a vote each.
Apologies received from
- John Robinson
- Tony Froud
- Simon Cox
In the chair
Colin Argent
Minutes of the annual general meeting held on 7th December 2021
Matters arising from those minutes
Acceptance of those minutes
- Proposed by Ian Drew
- Seconded by Sarah Drew
- Carried Unanimously
Committee Members Reports
Treasurer’s Report
And presentation of accounts for the period 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2023
COLIN will present the accounts which had been circulated in advance at appendix 1. Subscriptions will stay unchanged.
- Proposed by Paul Vernon
- Seconded by Brian Wheeler
- Carried Unanimously
Secretary’s Report
John has nothing to report as secretary however he is not available to continue due to his health.
- Proposed by Sarah Drew
- Seconded by Paul Winfield
- Carried Unanimously
Membership Secretary’s Report
The new website continues to function well and no significant issues have been reported by either new members joining or existing members renewing.
The website also produces reports which provide an overview of the on-going situation and the screen shot below reflects the situation as of 5 December 2023. From this you can see that since the website has been up and running membership numbers have increased by a net 68. This year to date the increase is a net 21. I believe this is indicative of a healthy situation for the club and bodes well for the future. I also believe this is manifesting itself in the increased participation in events, and indeed, the number of events that are taking place.

As of today therefore we have 89 active members made up of 41 individuals, 31 familys, 12 life members and 3 land owners plus 2 others (Chair and Webmaster).
I have also include in the screen shot below the membership movement by month for this year to date.

Looking forward I see no reason why this situation should not continue provided we can maintain a decent schedule of events because that is what we all want.
- Proposed by Daniel Drew
- Seconded by Josh Pitts
- Carried Unanimously
Competitions Secretary’s Report
We started off the year in January with an RTV at Spellbrook and Russ Beck having far too much fun with a shark! Twinney Woods came along in February along with a film crew from MSUK which was a great bit of publicity for the club.
March’s event was cancelled and we gave April a miss as we had BHC on Tour instead.
We had the working party at Whitwell over the late May bank holiday and we couldn’t have asked for better weather as well as a big thanks to everyone who attended to help better the site and having great fun in the process, including me… I loved that digger until Colin stole it! July’s Weston Underwood trial was cancelled due to lack of interest, then it was the summer break.
The end of August brought Whitwell round again where we had yet more lovely weather and a great turn out to play on the new holes. It was great fun and well supported. Quainton in September was cancelled due to lack of interest not warranting it going ahead.
Twinney Woods in November was a muddy one and everyone seemed to have great fun and we’ve just had our Whitwell Xmas Tyro which had a great turn out and ended the year on a high.
All in all it’s been another good year with everyone who attends learning more about their vehicle and their driving ability. I will look to arrange more trials for the coming year, and we seem to be receiving invites for shared events and us offering our events out too to local clubs. My one repeat ask is if people could give me an indication on numbers looking to attend each event as myself and my helpers do give up quite a bit of time in the setting up, which can on occasion be disproportionate to the level of interest on the day hence why we have had a few cancelled events this year let’s try to improve in that next year.
- Proposed by Michael Hardy
- Seconded by Russell Beck
- Carried Unanimously
Safeguarding Officers Report
Gail is on an ongoing sabbatical from the committee and this role has been filled by Brian Wheeler.
- Proposed by N/A
- Seconded by N/A
- Carried N/A
Social Secretary’s Report
Monthly pub nights have been taking place throughout the year, with some really good attendance. Discussions are ongoing regarding looking for another venue and member input would be appreciated.
In April, BHC went on a camping/ green laning tour of Dorset. Great fun was had by all, with some deep water discovered by one group and Paul W having his own little adventure sourcing spare parts after breaking his car. The weather was lovely, the views were pretty, but let’s not mention the Sunday lunch! All in all it was a success and the 2024 trip to Devon has already been planned
We also had the 2 fantastic shows this year at Billing in June and Belvoir in September, but the weather was just a little too much for September with most people looking for any shade they could find rather than walking round the show.
Steve arranged a curry night in June which went down very well, so we’re hoping to have a few more of these events in the coming year.
- Proposed by Colin Argent
- Seconded by Brian Wheeler
- Carried Unanimously
Communications Officers Report
As part of the website upgrades, the email subscriptions are now linked into the memberships. As members join or expire the email subscriptions are also updated. If you wish to be removed from these emails then there is an unsubscribe email at the bottom however we will use this to pass updates out to members.
For those that have renewed their memberships on the website, you will now see that we offer the option to use a PayPal account, or use the secure PayPal checkout which allows you to use a credit card without the need to create a PayPal account.
You may have also noticed that I am now aiming to send one email at the start of each month with a recap from the last month and any events planned for the upcoming month, if anyone has any news, updates or upcoming events that you would like to see in this monthly email, please email these through to
- Proposed by Rob Barret
- Seconded by Sarah Drew
- Carried Unanimously
Greenlanes Officers Report
Norfolk trips ?
3 herts
2 essex
Simon Cox organised a surrey hills laning day, enjoyed by all who attended and an area that the club haven’t previously visited before.
dorset greenlanes trip
Some Thetford forest lanes have been closed
- Proposed by Rob Barret
- Seconded by Paul Winfield
- Carried Unanimously
Chairwoman’s Report
It doesn’t seem two minutes since I was writing my last AGM report… where has that year gone?! It feels like the club has now fully recovered since covid and is going from strength to strength.
There is of course the core of “regulars” who can always be relied on to rally round, put events on, sort out pub meets, socials, shows etc, but it’s great to see that they are being joined now by a very enthusiastic and proactive group who are coming up with lanes explorations then subsequent lane days out… recently there haven’t been many weekends going by at the moment where there hasn’t been something happening! It was my “ask” at the last AGM and thank you, you’ve all delivered.
There are some changes on the committee with Gail still on sabbatical and Brian taking on the role of Child Protection and Safeguarding, and John standing down as Club Secretary on health grounds. Thank you to both of you, all your efforts on behalf of the club have been appreciated and John we truly wish you all the best and hope to still see you out when you are able.
As we go into 2024, I want us to maintain our happy, relaxed and family friendly feel to the club as I believe that is what is our appeal. We also have some more camping lined up with our Devon BHC on Tour arranged as well as club stand applications for Billing and Belvoir in already. It is however your club and just so long as it’s achievable… and legal(!) please put any suggestions forward and we’ll do our best to accommodate
- Proposed by Russ Beck
- Seconded by Gaye Minney
- Carried Unanimously
End of Committee Reports
As an appreciation for the work John Henry Robinson has done for the club, the committee would like to offer an honorary membership.
Election of Officers
Committee Members
This explains the position of the incumbent Member at the time of Notice for the AGM.
Please see Appendix 2 for Job Descriptions for your information.
Any Member can stand for any of the roles below with the support of a Proposer and Seconder and use of the Nomination Form at Appendix 3.
Chairman / Chairwoman & a Director
Sarah Drew is available and willing to continue the role
Company Secretary & a Director
John Robinson has chosen to step down as secretary, Colin Argent has stepped into this role until the AGM and is available, and willing to continue the role.
Treasurer & a Director
Colin Argent is available, and willing to continue the role.
Communications Officer
Michael Hardy is available, and willing to continue the role.
Social Officer
This is currently a shared role between Steve Woor and Sarah Drew, both are willing to continue this role.
Competitions Officer
Ian Drew is available, and willing to continue the role.
Green Roads Officer
Neill Campbell is not available, he is willing to assist a new committee member with his routes and experience.
Membership Officer
Tony Froud is available, and willing to continue the role.
Safeguarding Officer
Gail Parfitt is un-available, Brian Wheeler has replaced Gail and is available.
Non-Committee Roles
Sales Officer
Matt Walker is available, and willing to continue the role.
All in favour of the election of officers En-bloc.
Any other business will not be discussed at the AGM. At the end of the AGM a discussion will follow. Points raised for consideration will be taken to the next Committee meeting for consideration.
All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, and the reports of the Directors and auditors, the election of Directors in place of those retiring and the appointment of, and the fixing of the remuneration, of the auditors.
Appendix 1
Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club Limited
Accounts for the period 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2023
Income | 2023 £ | 2022 £ |
Memberships | £1,190 | £777 |
Trials | £1,039 | £960 |
Birthday Bash | – | 300 |
Shows | £278 | 305 |
Club shop | – | 30 |
Income | £2,507.00 | £2,372.00 |
Expenditure | ||
General | -£1202 | -£564 |
Trials | -£1294 | -£1,132 |
Shows | -£560 | -£315 |
Birthday Bash | – | -£1,103 |
Shop | – | -£58 |
Green Lanes | -£55 | -£59 |
Equipment | – | |
Card Payment Fees | -£52 | -£54 |
Expenditure | -£3,162 | -£3445 |
NET PROFIT (LOSS) | (£657) | (£1073) |
Bank & Cash | £2,900 | £3,557 |
Appendix 2
General responsibilities for all officers include assisting in the business and activities in running the club, as well as attending a monthly meeting and providing a short monthly report;
Below are the specifics against each of the roles;
- Chairperson – Committee role
- To manage and run meetings against the agreed Agenda
- To take lead on resolving any difficulties
- Provide support to Committee members
- Be the public face of the Club
- Company Secretary – Committee role
- Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted
- Maintaining effective records and administration including at Companies House and HMRC.
- Committee communication and correspondence
- Treasurer – Committee role
- General financial management
- Financial reporting
- Banking, book-keeping and record keeping
- Membership Secretary – Committee Role
- Receive membership applications and verify acceptability
- Issue membership cards and stickers
- Manage subscriptions on acceptance and annually
- Maintain privacy of membership details.
- Competitions Officer – Committee role
- Agree competition dates for year, booking sites as appropriate
- Manage setting out and taking down as required for the competition
- Manage (or delegate) for Competition day(s)
- Competitions Secretary – Committee role
- To assist Competitions Officer as needed for the events
- Carry out Administration support and liaise with MSUK for permits etc. required
- Greenlanes Officer – Committee role
- Agree green lane dates for year, and publish/co-ordinate attendees and leaders
- Manage maps and leader groups as required for the green lane areas (Keeping an eye on any Closures noted)
- Manage (or delegate) for green lane day(s)
- Communications and website Officer – Committee role
- Maintain the web site and Facebook sites
- Consolidate content and publish occasional electronic newsletters to members
- Maintain the ‘Mailchimp’ and Forum membership lists against current member lists
- Social Officer – Committee role
- To manage club events at 4×4 shows etc.
- To agree, publish and manage occasional club social nights
- Child Protection Officer – Committee role
- Comply with the CPO laws and regulations
- Handle any complaints.
- Report to the authorities as appropriate.
- Club Shopkeeper (non committee role)
- Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members.
- Record and control stock items in a register.
- Market and sell items to Club Members, recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds.
- Equipment Officer – (non committee role)
- Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members and their Club activities.
- Record and control stock items in a register and to whom they are loaned out to.
- Market and sell items that become surplus to requirements.
- Recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds. Sensitively disposing of scrapped items.
If you think you can help and assist by doing or just helping any of these roles in their club business, then please get in touch.
Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Nomination Form
No person who is not a Member of the Company shall in any circumstances be eligible to hold office as a Member of the Committee.
Nomination forms should reach the Secretary before the start time of the meeting at 13 Old Garden Court, St Albans, AL34RQ, Herts, or at the meeting.
Committee Position______________________________________________
Nominee Name_____________________________________________________
Membership Number_______________________Paid up Y/N________
Signature __________________________________________________
Proposer Name_____________________________________________________
Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______
Signature __________________________________________________
Seconder Name_____________________________________________________
Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______
Signature __________________________________________________
Approved in order by the Membership Secretary________________________
Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Proxy Instrument
I ________________________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N
Address and Post Code _________________________________________________________________
Being a fully paid up Member of the Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club, hereby appoint
Proxy Name _______________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N
Address and Post Code _________________________________________________________________
To be my proxy in all matters regarding the 2016 AGM.
Signed ____________________________________________________________________ Member
Signed _______________________________________________________________Proxy Appointee
Date Executed______________________________________________________________________
- The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in Writing under the hand of the appointer or of his or her attorney duly authorised in Writing, or, if the appointer is a corporation, either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised. A proxy need not be a Member of the Company.
- The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the registered office of the Company or at such other place within the United Kingdom as it is specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or in the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll, and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.
- An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in a form decided as appropriate from time to time by the Committee and shall be designed to fit the circumstances of the meeting at which it is to be utilised.
- The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
- A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or of the authority under which the proxy was executed, provided that no intimation in Writing of such death, insanity or revocation as aforesaid shall have been received by the Company at the office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is used.
Appendix 5
December 2021 AGM Minutes can be found here
Michael Hardy, Communications Officer
12th December 2023