Saturday 19th March felt like the start of spring, what better way to welcome spring than to go out on the Herts Green Lanes? That’s what 5 members of the BHCLRC thought!
We started our trip in Great Offley with 4 cars, Neill lead a group in his Defender 90, followed by our newest member Rocco in his Daihatsu Fourtrak, Colin in his Discovery 3 and Michael in his Defender 90. It wasn’t far down the first lane where we were stopped in our tracks and could see the toll Storm Eunice had taken on the lanes. There was lots of trees that had fallen since the last laning trip and some trees had not been fully cleared so cleared these as we went to allow us to pass.
An hour into the trip and we picked up Dick in his Freelander 2 making him the 5th vehicle and we continued on our way heading towards Stevenage. We stopped for lunch near Datchworth where we found the spring breeze was much cooler than expected, turns out that defender doors do stop some of the wind after all!
Thanks to unexpected planned road closure we had some diversions, we frantically tried to pick up the route while checking maps, and talking over the CB. We got back on the route and enjoyed the lanes to the east of Stevenage finishing over by the A10.
Overall, it was a great day where everyone enjoyed the lanes and company, a huge thank you to Neill for organising this trip! We are planning to run more laning trips so keep an eye on the website for the next trip.