Notice is herby given of the 2024/2025 Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 starting at 7:30 PM
The Green Man, Stanford, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom SG18 9JD
Attendance count to satisfy quorum
No business other than the appointment of the Chairwoman of the meeting is to be transacted at a general meeting if the persons attending it do not constitute a quorum.
The quorum for a general meeting is the lower of:
- 15 Members participating in that meeting in person or by proxy or;
- 20% of total number of Members at the date of the meeting
Every Full, Additional Member (Adult), Additional Member (Junior aged 13-17), Life and Complimentary Member, other than the Chairman shall have one vote. P.S. Family Members have a vote each.
Apologies received from
- Stuart k
- Russ Brown
- Tony Froud
In the chair
Colin Argent
Minutes of the annual general meeting held on 16th January 2024
Matters arising from those minutes
Acceptance of those minutes
- Proposed by Sarah Drew
- Seconded by Brian Wheeler
- Carried Unanimously
Committee Members Reports
Treasurer’s Report
And presentation of accounts for the period 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2024
COLIN will present the accounts which had been circulated in advance at appendix 1. Subscriptions will stay unchanged.
- Proposed by Ian Drew
- Seconded by Daniel Drew
- Carried Unanimously
Secretary’s Report
Colin acting as secretary, no changes to be noted. Johns health is overall okay and he wishes he could be more involved still. The club appreciate all the help from John over the years. His Land Rover is still within the family and is now in the Isle of White.
- Proposed by Michael Hardy
- Seconded by Daniel Drew
- Carried Unanimously
Membership Secretary’s Report
The web based renewal process has continued to work well. Existing members seem to have made the necessary adjustment and, for new members, it is the only way in now so they don’t have much choice!
The website produces reports which provide an overview of the on-going situation and the screen shot below reflects the situation as of 1 September 2024. From this you can see that this year to date we have had 21 sign-ups and 31 cancellations, a net decrease in the membership of 10 to 79 (last year as of the 5 December 2023 we had 89 members across all categories).
As of today those 79 members comprise 37 (41) individuals, 24 (31) familys, 13 (12) life members and 3 (3) land owners plus 2 (2) others (Chair and Webmaster). The numbers in brackets reflect last year. Whilst these numbers only reflect 9 months of the year I would also expect some fluctuation year to year and, in nay event, we still have a “hardcore” of members who ensure that events are well attended. By the way, All Time in the numbers below only reflects the period since the website has been functional.

I have also include in the screen shot below the membership movement by month for this year to date.

Looking forward if we can maintain a decent level of off-road activites I’m sure we will continue to attract new members and keep existing ones happy that they are getting something for their money!
- Proposed by Ian Drew
- Seconded by Kira Hardy
- Carried Unanimously
Competitions Secretary’s Report
So this will be a short report this year as the weather has not been kind to us and the majority of trials have been cancelled.
Quainton trial in September was cancelled due to lack of interest, as was Spellbrook in the October.
Twinney Woods in November went ahead and was very successful even if Mr Barrett did try and kill trucky truck in a mud bath! The Whitwell Christmas trial was a brilliant event with an excellent turn out and the catering making an appearance and kept everyone going through the cold with a good supply of bacon and sausage baps and soup
Nick and Neill did expert jobs with green lanes trips a plenty in November and December also.
February’s RTV at Spellbrook had to be cancelled due to another club suffering the bad weather and making a mess of the site, so to make up for this disappointment Colin arranged a last minute green lanes trip to Norfolk.
The next event was a green laning trip to Salisbury before the highlight of the year at the beginning of May, BHC on Tour which had a really good attendance and thanks to Russ for all the expert planning, everyone really enjoyed it… apart from me as my car didn’t even make it there and I had the shame of borrowing the wife’s to get us there!
The May camping weekend was cancelled due to lack of interest, but we supported the Whitwell Steam Fair at the end of May with a small club stand.
The Weston Underwood trial was cancelled due to bad weather, knowing we’re usually jinxed with this site, we thought July would be a safe month, but no! Simon came to the rescue with a green lanes trip to Surrey instead.
The planned family camping weekend at Codicote was cancelled due to the committee members not being able to proceed and unfortunately no-one else being able to cover for us, so all in all it’s been a disappointing first half of this year and hopefully we will be able to carry on with the events planned for the remainder of the year.
My ask is the same as previous years. if people could give me a commitment on numbers looking to attend each event in order for us to have confidence if holding the event is viable as myself and my helpers do give up quite a bit of time in the setting up. Thank you
- Proposed by Brian Wheeler
- Seconded by Paul Vernon
- Carried Unanimously
Safeguarding Officers Report
No incidents to report from Brian this year.
- Proposed by N/A
- Seconded by N/A
- Carried N/A
Social Secretary’s Report
Position officially vacant but Steve Woor has organised several curry nights in St Neots and looking to organise a Chinese all you can eat buffet evening on a Wednesday in September
- Proposed by N/A
- Seconded by N/A
Communications Officers Report
This year there have been little changes to the website, however the website is to be used more for events to help track the interest in the upcoming events, registering to the event on the website will help gauge interest and help with capturing the membership numbers and MSUK numbers.
Emails will be pushed out a couple of weeks before an event and also when new events are added.
- Proposed by Alex Taylor-Gates
- Seconded by Ian Drew
- Carried Unanimously
Greenlanes Officers Report
Although this role is officially vacant, green lane trips to Dorset, Surry and Norfolk have been organised this year with thanks to organisers; Simon, Nick, Neil and Russ
- Proposed by N/A
- Seconded by N/A
Chairwoman’s Report
Well that’s another year under our belt!
As always there are the core of “regulars” at the heart of the club who attend the pub nights, events (when weather allows) and support at the shows. It’s also great that we have members willing to plan and lead green lanes, but it would also be really helpful if we could finally fill the committee role for green lanes… there would be more than enough members to support that individual.
Pub nights continue to have good attendance and with the successful quiz, this is something we will do more of. We had a curry night arranged by Steve and again this is something we will try and make more of a regular event.
Devon BHC on Tour was another success (Ian may have some choice words about that after his car letting him down, but I thought it also showed what a lovely community spirit we have in the club with all of those who stayed to help and re-jigged towing arrangements to get the trailer down there in advance of Ian and Josh stealing my car to join them!). Planning will soon be commencing for next year’s adventure.
We were again successful at gaining club stands for both Billing and Belvoir, which were successful even if Belvoir was blisteringly hot! However I can’t wait until next years AGM to mention this years Billing show which is a club highlight with us winning the club stand trophy for demonstrating the family friendly and fun element to our club by having the RC course and seesaw, expertly built by Rob and driven by Josh. Let’s see if we can have more good news stories in the coming year (and yes I will be wheeling this one out in next year’s AGM report too!)
As always, this is your club and we will always try and accommodate, so any suggestions you may have, please share with a committee member and we’ll do our best to make it happen
- Proposed by Colin Argent
- Seconded by Chris Woor
- Carried Unanimously
End of Committee Reports
Election of Officers
Committee Members
This explains the position of the incumbent Member at the time of Notice for the AGM.
Please see Appendix 2 for Job Descriptions for your information.
Any Member can stand for any of the roles below with the support of a Proposer and Seconder and use of the Nomination Form at Appendix 3.
Chairman / Chairwoman & a Director
Sarah Drew is available and willing to continue the role
Company Secretary & a Director
Colin Argent has stepped into this role and is available, and willing to continue the role.
Treasurer & a Director
Colin Argent is available, and willing to continue the role.
Communications Officer
Michael Hardy is available, and willing to continue the role.
Social Officer
This is currently a shared role between Steve Woor and Sarah Drew, both are willing to continue this role.
Competitions Officer
Ian Drew is available, and willing to continue the role.
Green Roads Officer
Neill Campbell is not available, he is willing to assist a new committee member with his routes and experience.
Membership Officer
Tony Froud is available, and willing to continue the role.
Safeguarding Officer
Brian Wheeler is available, and willing to continue the role.
Non-Committee Roles
Sales Officer
Matt Walker is available, and willing to continue the role.
All in favour of the election of officers En-bloc.
Any other business will not be discussed at the AGM. At the end of the AGM a discussion will follow. Points raised for consideration will be taken to the next Committee meeting for consideration.
All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets, and the reports of the Directors and auditors, the election of Directors in place of those retiring and the appointment of, and the fixing of the remuneration, of the auditors.
Appendix 1
Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club Limited
Accounts for the period 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2024
Income | 2023 £ | 2024 £ |
Memberships | £1,190 | £1305 |
Trials | £1,039 | £535 |
Shows | £278 | £368 |
Income | £2,507.00 | £2,208.00 |
Expenditure | ||
General | -£1202 | -£321 |
Trials | -£1294 | -£746 |
Shows | -£560 | -£455 |
Green Lanes | -£55 | -£59 |
Equipment | £0 | £0 |
Card Payment Fees | -£52 | -£62 |
Expenditure | -£3,162 | -£1643 |
NET PROFIT (LOSS) | (£657) | £565 |
Bank & Cash | £2,900 | £3,465 |
Appendix 2
General responsibilities for all officers include assisting in the business and activities in running the club, as well as attending a monthly meeting and providing a short monthly report;
Below are the specifics against each of the roles;
- Chairperson – Committee role
- To manage and run meetings against the agreed Agenda
- To take lead on resolving any difficulties
- Provide support to Committee members
- Be the public face of the Club
- Company Secretary – Committee role
- Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted
- Maintaining effective records and administration including at Companies House and HMRC.
- Committee communication and correspondence
- Treasurer – Committee role
- General financial management
- Financial reporting
- Banking, book-keeping and record keeping
- Membership Secretary – Committee Role
- Receive membership applications and verify acceptability
- Issue membership cards and stickers
- Manage subscriptions on acceptance and annually
- Maintain privacy of membership details.
- Competitions Officer – Committee role
- Agree competition dates for year, booking sites as appropriate
- Manage setting out and taking down as required for the competition
- Manage (or delegate) for Competition day(s)
- Competitions Secretary – Committee role
- To assist Competitions Officer as needed for the events
- Carry out Administration support and liaise with MSUK for permits etc. required
- Greenlanes Officer – Committee role
- Agree green lane dates for year, and publish/co-ordinate attendees and leaders
- Manage maps and leader groups as required for the green lane areas (Keeping an eye on any Closures noted)
- Manage (or delegate) for green lane day(s)
- Communications and website Officer – Committee role
- Maintain the web site and Facebook sites
- Consolidate content and publish occasional electronic newsletters to members
- Maintain the ‘Mailchimp’ and Forum membership lists against current member lists
- Social Officer – Committee role
- To manage club events at 4×4 shows etc.
- To agree, publish and manage occasional club social nights
- Child Protection Officer – Committee role
- Comply with the CPO laws and regulations
- Handle any complaints.
- Report to the authorities as appropriate.
- Club Shopkeeper (non committee role)
- Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members.
- Record and control stock items in a register.
- Market and sell items to Club Members, recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds.
- Equipment Officer – (non committee role)
- Acquire suitable supplies which will be of interest to the Club Members and their Club activities.
- Record and control stock items in a register and to whom they are loaned out to.
- Market and sell items that become surplus to requirements.
- Recording the sales income and account to the Treasurer with the sales proceeds. Sensitively disposing of scrapped items.
If you think you can help and assist by doing or just helping any of these roles in their club business, then please get in touch.
Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Nomination Form
No person who is not a Member of the Company shall in any circumstances be eligible to hold office as a Member of the Committee.
Nomination forms should reach the Secretary before the start time of the meeting at or at the meeting.
Committee Position______________________________________________
Nominee Name_____________________________________________________
Membership Number_______________________Paid up Y/N________
Signature __________________________________________________
Proposer Name_____________________________________________________
Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______
Signature __________________________________________________
Seconder Name_____________________________________________________
Membership Number________________________Paid up Y/N_______
Signature __________________________________________________
Approved in order by the Membership Secretary________________________
Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club LIMITED Proxy Instrument
I ________________________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N
Address and Post Code _________________________________________________________________
Being a fully paid up Member of the Beds Herts and Cambs Land Rover Club, hereby appoint
Proxy Name _______________________________________Membership Number_______Paid up Y/N
Address and Post Code _________________________________________________________________
To be my proxy in all matters regarding the 2016 AGM.
Signed ____________________________________________________________________ Member
Signed _______________________________________________________________Proxy Appointee
Date Executed______________________________________________________________________
- The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in Writing under the hand of the appointer or of his or her attorney duly authorised in Writing, or, if the appointer is a corporation, either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised. A proxy need not be a Member of the Company.
- The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the registered office of the Company or at such other place within the United Kingdom as it is specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or in the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll, and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.
- An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in a form decided as appropriate from time to time by the Committee and shall be designed to fit the circumstances of the meeting at which it is to be utilised.
- The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
- A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy or of the authority under which the proxy was executed, provided that no intimation in Writing of such death, insanity or revocation as aforesaid shall have been received by the Company at the office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is used.
Appendix 5
January 2024 AGM Minutes can be found here
Michael Hardy, Communications Officer
31st August 2024