Terms and Conditions

We like to keep things simple, we won’t bore you here with lots of terms and conditions. Here is a key summary of what you need to know. The full rules and bylaws can be found here.


I understand that the information supplied on this website to Beds Herts & Cambs Land Rover Club Ltd (“the Club”) will be held both manually and electronically for the use of officers of the Club. The information will not be passed to other bodies without my express permission. I agree that this is acceptable to me. I am also aware that I may rescind this authority at any time.


I agree that I will comply with the Code of Conduct set out in the Club’s Articles of Association and the Club’s Local Rules and Byelaws, a copy of each is in the members area on the website.

Limited By Guarantee

I agree to become a member of Beds Herts & Cambs Land Rover Club Limited, a company limited by guarantee and my liability under that guarantee shall be limited to £5.00. *